Monday, December 28, 2020

The Center for Healthy Minds KINDNESS CURRICULUM Reading List

I love children's books, and maybe you do too... 

Video: Kindness in the Classroom - Kindness Curriculum Overview

All the videos of 17 children's books listed in the pre-K-K Kindness Curriculum, so generously provided to us by The Center for Healthy Minds, University of Wisconsin, are posted in this Kindness Curriculum playlist.

Two of my favorites, I'm the Best by Lucy Cousins and Moody Cow Meditates by Kerry Lee MacLean are also suitable for older children (and grownups). Little ones love the musical rendition of How Kind! by Mary Murphy.

You can download the Kindness Curriculum, with 24 lesson plans, here: You will need to sign up in order to download.

I recorded two of the books:

Video: Somewhere Today: A Book of Peace by Shelley Moore Thomas  

Video: In My World by Lois Ehlert

A list of all 17 videos, with links to the videos in the Kindness Curriculum playlist

Theme: Growing Friendships with Kindness
Theme: Quiet Emotions on the Inside 
Theme: I Can Notice Things When I Am Quiet Inside 
Theme: Different Emotions Feel Differently on the Inside 
Theme: Working with Emotions in a Kind and Friendly Way 
(This one's suitable for any age.)

Theme: Emotions Change Many Times Each Day  

Theme: Busy Mind & Clear Mind: Being with Anger 
(This one's also suitable for any age.) 

Theme: What Can We Do When We Are Upset?  
Theme: Forgiving Myself ~ Forgiveness  
Theme: Gratitude for People or Things in My Life & All That We Have  
Theme: Gratitude for My Body

Theme: Gratitude for Other People 
Theme: People Around the World Want Peace
Theme: Interdependence

Song video: How Kind! by Mary Murphy - 15/17
Theme: Interdependence - Passing kindness on to others
Theme: Caring for Animals & Insects
Theme: Gratitude & Caring for Our World  
Kindness in the Classroom - Kindness Curriculum Overview video (first video above) and related videos can also be viewed and downloaded here:
Kindness Curriculum books are available for purchase in Janna's Bookshop
May 2023 be a year of kindness, compassion, inner peace and healing for all humanity, all sensitive beings and the earth.